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Did you know anyone with an InfoSoup library card can use our library? Library cards are FREE, and anyone can get one! Come visit us today... we're so much more than just books!

Check Out These Titles!

Explore our state-wide digital library, with over 50,000 ebook and 18,000 audiobook titles. Login with your InfoSoup Library card and PIN. Works with most mobile devices including Kindle. For other mobile devices we recommend using the Libby App.

OverDrive Magazines have no circulation cap and allow unlimited simultaneous use, so you can enjoy every issue of every magazine. With smart tags in Libby, you can be notified when each new issue is released.

TumbleBook Library are animated, talking picture books that have been created from existing picture books from well-known publishers and authors and converted to the TumbleBook format. From outside a library all you need is your library card number to use TumbleBooks.